Vertical or Horizontal?

Vertical or Horizontal?

Rainbow and or Stripey Wrap which is better, should I place them horizontally or vertically?

Understanding woven wrap's warp and weft.

Warp - Long threads going from tail to tail (or from one tapered end to the other) 

When the wrap is worn, the weft will be what's running across the baby's back, from left to right. 

Weft - Long threads that are weaved into the warp creating a woven wrap. This treads run from rail to rail, atau kata lain, benang ini tersusun dari atas ke bawah, dari rail atas ke rail bawah. 

In general, the Warp is stronger and has less give. 

Why choose Horizontal placement as default. 

  • This is mostly because Warp is generally stronger
  • When the wrap is worn this is how the stripes suppose to run across the baby's back.
  • Aesthetic: more of the wraps will be displayed on the carrier especially the areas close to the rails of the wrap.

Here are samples of stripey/rainbow wrap placed on the baby carrier.  

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Can I choose the stripes to run vertically instead? Sure you can. As long as your woven wrap is quite typical (we will advise you on the atypical warp+weft of a woven wrap which is usually not stripey/rainbow so don't worry about this yet)

If you prefer to have a certain look on your carrier, sometimes we refer to the fire and ice look, because some stripes have warm colours on one side and the other has cool colours.

For a standard size stork, the area near the railings might not end up on the body and hood, but there will be some showing at the corner of the waist straps. Most of the near railing striped will be used to accentuate the shoulders where we cut and make them into chest straps, railings and straps adjusters. Some will also end up as your hood strings. 

Here are samples of previous wrap conversions we made with vertical stripes arrangements.

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Fire and Ice, 2 carriers but 4 different looks and colourway. Can you tell which is which?

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Are there any other arrangements possible?

Yes, definitely and once we have your wrap at hand, we will give you suggestions to best approach the arrangement specific to your wrap and because we customise on a lot of aspects of Stork Baby Carrier and also other types of SNUGGbaby carriers like Mehdai and Onbuhimo, we can also have the stripes arranged differently to create that absolute unique and one of a kind baby carriers.

The 2 styles that we absolutely love to recommend are diagonally arranged stripes of themed carrier like the dino one below! Check out also our Instagram for more stripes arrangement ideas for your Wrap Conversion! 

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Ready to order your Stork Wrap Conversion? We provide a free consultation.

Check out our price list and if you have any questions at all, simply drop us a line!

Liza Yaakup
Owner of SNUGGbaby
Certified Babywearing Consultant